Double Negative

I should write a story without a positive ending. I’m going to write it now. here it is. The story began on the dark side of my darkest day — or on the bright side of my brightest day, depending on which side you’re looking from.

I’m writing it by talking to Siri so that I have to talk fast and I can’t think very much about what I’m saying; Continue reading “Double Negative”

Modernist Yoga

Day_122811_IMG_2130American yoga — and by its influence, most yoga outside of India — is undergoing a change not unlike what happened in the realm of art when the classical encountered Modernism. Unfortunately, the change is not going in a direction that makes sense. There are good reasons for both art and yoga to come up with new names for their old and new expressions. But who gets what name? Continue reading “Modernist Yoga”

Stop Talking

There’s endless advice that says get your word out there. There are endless ways to interact. Everything is encouraging you to talk, talk, talk. Except me.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s guidance was that if you talk a lot, you should read more; if you read a lot, you should write more; if you write a lot you should think more; if you think a lot, you should meditate more. Continue reading “Stop Talking”