
Peter Ferko is a yogi, writer, and artist. He is the host of Peter’s Podcast.

Peter is a yoga teacher who has been practicing yoga and meditation for more than 30 years. He has been teaching for 13 years including training aspiring teachers and teaching master classes and workshops. The practice of yoga informs his art and writing in ways that are both explicit and implicit. See Yoga in the menu for more.

Peter has written fiction, scripts, and commentary. See Writing Projects in the menu for more.

Peter Ferko is an artist in several media. His artwork often utilizes photography to explore perception. He engages in action-oriented projects as a means of engaging other artists in ways that encourage community and dialog. He created a psych-rock kirtan with Idgy Dean. When in the mood, he plays bass and sings in the SoLow Bass Show. He was also a director on the Board of Artists Unite, Inc. ( was the cofounder of The Table, a former art and yoga space in Brooklyn.

curriculum vitae (PDF)

The development of this site is ongoing. The projects sections contains examples of most ongoing and past projects.

You can reach Peter Ferko at

All materials on this site are the creation of Peter Ferko unless otherwise noted and may not be used commercially without permission. Permission may be obtained by writing In noncommercial uses, you may copy, distribute, display, and perform this copyrighted work — and derivative works based upon it — but only if you give credit as follows: “Based on a work by Peter Ferko (” or “including work by Peter Ferko (”. Reblogs or references to blogs should include mention of the source with a link to the article or main blog

Creative Commons License by Peter Ferko is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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