
About Peter

Peter Ferko is the host of Peter’s Podcast. He is a yoga master who teaches classes and teacher training at ISHTA Yoga, in Manhattan and is the Yoga and Meditation trainer at FITGMR, a wellness program for gamers and esports athletes. Peter was co-director of The Table, a yoga and arts project in Brooklyn. He teaches internationally and is available to teach and speak. Peter is also an author who draws on lifelong pursuits in yoga, art, and music. Peter lives north of Manhattan with fellow yogiraj and wife Wendy Newton and their Italian Spinoni Runa.

What’s Going On …

Yoga Classes, Workshops, and Training:

  • Retreat! The Four Keys in the Florida Keys, February 8-12. Details here.
  • Upcoming event details at LINKTR.EE
  • Weekly classes in Yoga and Meditation live or delivered to your device. Join me!
  • Meditation, teacher training and other workshops. See menus “Events” and “Teacher Training.”
  • Download the FITGMR app for a comprehensive wellness program for gamers!

The Genius of Yoga by Alan Finger and Peter Ferko

  • How yogic meditation can unlock your innate brilliance.
    A guide to going beyond mindfulness. Available wherever books are sold, including at Shambhala Press.

Incarnation, a novel

  • Incarnation follows a journalist, an actor, a writer, and a programmer whose dreams and desires play out together on the global stage, again and again. Each time, they find meaning as they spin on life’s mysterious wheel of fortune. Full of historical backstory, contemporary topics, and future speculation, Incarnation is a mix of a romantic political thriller and Sliding Doors’ philosophical “what if.Incarnation and Peter’s other books are available on Amazon.

Yoga – About

Peter Ferko began practicing yoga close to forty years ago at Alan Finger’s Yoga Works in Los Angeles. He studied there with Rod Stryker and Patricia Townsend. During the same time, he studied Kriya Yoga meditation with Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship. Peter has practiced Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Mark Whitwell’s Heart of Yoga,  but has his home at Alan Finger’s ISHTA Yoga (Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda) in New York City. He has taught ISHTA yoga since 2003, and in November, 2011, he was initiated Yogiraj (yoga master) by Alan Finger.

Peter now teaches students, teacher trainees, and teachers internationally. He uses the tools of yoga to expand our awareness of the joy and connection we all share at our core. With attention to breath, alignment and the elemental essences described in tantra yoga, Peter guides students to a grace and efficiency in their practice that carries over into every aspect of life. Peter is blessed to be married to yogiraj and teacher Wendy Newton.

Peter demonstrates utthita parsvakonasana (photo by Alan Finger)

writing projects

I began writing at a young age. First I wrote stories, then I wrote songs, then I wrote poetry, and the pattern repeated. At some point I decided to write the book for an opera. I loved the form, I loved writing dialog. I followed up with a screenplay, “My Son’s Father.” Another script idea became my first novel, Wally and Kali. My second novel, The Black Hole of the Heart explores how quickly and deeply our emotions carry us away. Incarnation, my third novel is about the great wheel of life that yoga talks about as reincarnation, and what that might look like for a group of people in the 21st century. My latest novel, Love Song, is about two musicians in love and the challenges that emerge as they try to balance affection and competition.

I also wrote two books on yoga and meditation. Yoga for Artists is a guide to yoga with a focus on how the practice serves creatives. The Genius of Yoga describes the power of meditation beyond mindfulness to help you tap your inner radiance and insight; it’s written with my teacher Alan Finger.

You can find all of them at

Peter’s Podcast

Peter’s Podcast is about real yoga, actual happiness, and deep living. Through personal musings and interviews with students, colleagues, and people I admire, I aim to create an experience where learning something new comes from good conversation.

Where to Listen or Watch

You can listen to Peter’s Podcast using your favorite podcast app or podcast providers like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. You can also listen on the web where Peter’s Podcast is hosted, at Simplecast. You can also watch episodes of Peter’s Podcasts on YouTube @peterspodcast. If you like it, please subscribe or follow. 

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I think of the podcast as a pay-what-you-want class. The tip jar is digital, at Please support the podcast at whatever level you can! You can also study with me using two of the Patreon levels. 

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arts projects

Peter Ferko is an artist in several media. His artwork often utilizes photography to explore perception. He engages in action-oriented projects as a means of engaging other artists in ways that encourage community and dialog. He plays bass and sings and has blended his music with yoga in Psych Rock Kirtan, which you can hear wherever you stream music. He was director of the board of Artists Unite, Inc., an arts presenter in uptown Manhattan and the cofounder of The Table, and arts and yoga space in Brooklyn.